Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Day Twenty

Day 20 (5/1/18)

Brian woke up a little better with his breathing today.  It's always tough when Brian first wakes up, but once he's in the chair, things make a turn for the better.

In PT, the therapists worked on balance and put the e-stim pads on his quads at the same time.  They wanted Brian to imagine he was pushing himself off the mat to stand up.  

Brian went to the Wheelchair Clinic to test out a new chair today during OT.  He will use this new chair for a week, and then try out a final wheelchair after that.

Brian and I were really missing the kids tonight after we FaceTimed them.  Some days are just hard. Fresh start tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Brian and Julie,
    Don't you know Mackenzie and Madi are going to be so excited to see how much their dad has improved since leaving St. Louis. There is so much to celebrate! Hang tough, they will be yacking your ears off real soon. Love you guys. Sweet Dreams.
