Saturday, September 15, 2018

The First Few Weeks


The first few weeks have been good.  We are quickly establishing a routine for morning and evening transfers.  The medication schedule is working well...minus the time I accidentally took a Sudafed instead of giving it to Brian.  Sleep deprivation can do these things to

We have been out and about to four different doctor's appointments and a trip to Joey B's.  We are renting a vehicle for each outing and hope to purchase our own very soon.  It's not too fun being stuck at home, but luckily we've enjoyed great weather outside!

Being in the comforts of home have been wonderful, but also hard for Brian.  I think he's understanding the realization of his situation and the things he can no longer do like yard work, errands, petting the dog...all the little things we take for granted.  We work through the down days and focus on the good.  Brian can navigate the computer, phone, TV, lights through voice activation.  It allows him independence to do things on his own.

Brian's health has been good, which is a HUGE blessing!  Blood pressure can still be tricky, but manageable.  His breathing has been better with the humidity of St. Louis.  Who would've thought we would look forward to humid days?

Thank you for your continued love and support through this journey.  It's great to know we have an army of supporters behind us.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

We Made It Home

We Made It Home

We are home, safe and sound!  I landed last Monday with the team from Craig, and Brian came home on a MedFlight on Tuesday.  Maddie had teeth pulled the day Brian landed, so she was home for his arrival.  Unfortunately, Kenzie had to go to school, but was home within a few hours of him landing.  

It's been a very busy week unpacking boxes from the home renovations, working with the Craig team, visiting with family, and adjusting to our new life.  I would say, overall, things are going very well.

When the Craig team was here, we practiced morning and evening transfers, troubleshooted equipment issues, and went on an outing to the middle school and the high school.  These are two places we will be in the future.  We are in the process of looking for a van that fits Brian's chair best.  Hopefully, we will have our own transportation sooner than later!  

In-home nursing and PT stopped by last week.  OT will be visiting for the first time today. 

It's so good to be home....with the kids, the pup, our family and friends. We cherish so much that has been taken for granted in the past.   

Thanks for your support and continued prayers for a smooth transition and continued recovery for Brian. We thank God for the blessings He's shown us, and pray for more to come!