Saturday, October 19, 2019

Post tournament update

Oct. 19, 2019

Our first annual Heine Strong Golf Tournament was a huge success!  The weather was perfect, everyone had fun, and we felt so loved and supported.

Unfortunately, three days after the tournament, Brian was complaining of breathing complications.  We took a trip to the ER to have him checked out.  He had pneumonia and stayed in the hospital for 16 days.  Definitely not what we hoped for, but Brian was in the right place to recover.  He spent his birthday in the hospital and missed Kenzie's last homecoming and Maddie's first homecoming.

During his hospital stay, Brian also developed a wound.  We met with the wound care clinic yesterday and it will take months for Brian to heal.  We also had to postpone his surgery to remove the kidney stones until next month.  I'm looking forward to getting them removed because I think they are the cause of many issues. Praying an infection does rear it's ugly head again before November 13th (new surgery date).

Like always, Brian maintains a good attitude and that helps me try to remain positive. But these setbacks have been very discouraging and overwhelming to both of us.  We ask for your prayers/good thoughts to get through this time.   I know people wonder if it's a good time to reach out to Brian, come by for a visit etc.  The answer is YES, it is a good time.  He wants to hear from you and needs to know you think of him.

These hard times remind me of how blessed we are to be surrounded by loving family, friends, work family, and even people we don't know who rally behind us. We appreciate you and thank you!
