Monday, April 30, 2018

Day Nineteen

Day 19 (4/30/18)

Kinda feels like Groundhog's Day.  Brian woke up with the shortness of breath, which caused some anxiety. Once he got out of bed and in to his chair, things improved.  

Brian started the day in PT.  His therapist worked on range of motion with his neck and head.  Brian's doctor gave the green light for him to start e-stim therapy, which stimulates muscles and nerves.  Brian's left quad and lower leg were activated, since it's an area that has natural movement. 

OT calibrated the settings on Brian's sip and puff system to make navigation easier.  The changes definitely made it easier for him to drive. 

We ended the day with an hour long education class about wheelchairs. My attention span was being challenged, but we learned pros/cons to different types of chairs.

Brian and I want to thank everyone for their support and prayers!

22 days, 14 hours, 3 minutes, and 21 seconds until we see our girls!  Can't wait!


  1. Not much longer and the girls will be there!! Yessss!!!! Praying constantly and believing. Celebrating the small things!! Love y’all.

  2. Brian and Julie
    The girls arrival will be the balm on your hearts as you continue on this path. Big hugs.

  3. What a great countdown! 22 days - it'll be here before you two know it!

    Loved Day 18 pic of Brian outside. His smile made me smile :) Thanks Brian!

    Sending you both continued well wishes and prayers.
