Monday, April 23, 2018

Day Twelve

Day 12

Brian had a better day.  His blood pressure was still running low this morning, but it improved as the day went on. We had our initial conference with Brian's team.  They gave an estimated discharge date (which is subject to change) as he progresses through rehabilitation.  At this point, his discharge date is June 20th.  Craig will work on two different paths with Brian.  They will focus on educating the family of how to help Brian adapt to home/community given his current condition, while also giving him intensive rehab to build strength, movement etc. to improve his condition. It's overwhelming, but we are trying to focus on taking things day-by-day.  Brian met with PT and OT today. They worked on range of motion and stretching. We BELIEVE Brian will do great and surprise the docs with his progress.  God, his positive attitude, sense of humor, prayers, and love from all his supporters will help him conquer this journey. Brian is surrounded by a large family who loves him and will be part of his success once he transitions home.  Brian wants to work hard for his girls! He tells them every day!  Thanks for the prayers and positive vibes!  Keep them coming.


  1. Brian and Julie,
    God can move in supernatural ways to get Brian where he needs to be. You and Brian are fighters and God hears your prayers.Keep your faith strong. What a wonderful dad to encourage the girls that he is working hard for them. You have a massive team of prayer warriors that are standing strong in prayer with you until this journey is over with Victory. We love you!

  2. Your strength and focus along with Brian's sense of humor will get you thru this difficult journey. Keep up the good work! Brian, remember the "Fish Garden"? This should make you laugh!!

  3. Believe - such a beautiful and powerful word. And we all BELIEVE in you Brian!!!

    I'll add another to Sally's posting for a laugh chain (can never have enough). How about the time Jerry fell asleep in the back of the SUV during a site visit in Lenox. Only Jerry!

  4. Julie,

    Thanks for keeping us informed on our beloved Brian. So good to see him go through rehabilitation. Keep up the POSITIVE work Brian.... We miss you!
