Sunday, May 6, 2018

Day Twenty-Four and Twenty-Five

Day 24 and 25  (5/5/18 and 5/6/18)

The weekend was quiet.  Brian didn't feel the best and his blood pressure ran low a few times. Luckily, an extra dose of blood pressure meds helped him bounce back quickly. The secretions still give Brian a run for his money, especially in the middle of the night. I'm hoping the docs can find a solution to this problem. 

We were able to get outside for a bit on both days to enjoy the beautiful weather.  There's something to be said for Vitamin D and fresh air.

A package of goodies was delivered to us this weekend.  It was from the teachers at Crestwood Elementary.  What a nice surprise! That definitely lifted our spirits.  

Tomorrow starts a busy week of therapies.  Please pray for Brian's breathing and blood pressure to remain stable so he can make the most of his time. 

We thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement!


  1. What a cute smiling couple. We love Julie's updates. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the nice weather this weekend. St. Louis has good weather too.

    What a nice surprise from the teachers. That is awesome! The girls will be there real soon to share with you.

    Brian, we are praying you have another progressive week and we get to hear more great news. I'm so happy for your progress. You are simply amazing. We love you and remain faithful in prayer for you and Julie. God Bless You Both!

  2. Julie- you're a rock of strength and love. Brian is lucky to have you in his corner. The box of goodies must have felt like a bit of home.
    This is a tough journey you're on but the determination you both have humbles us all. Stay focused on each step forward or even sideways- you'll be seeing your girls very soon.
    Cindy and Rick Race

  3. Hey Bro! Just checking in. Wishing for you to have a great week of therapy. How about your cardinals? They are playing awesome. The game last night was terrific.They are Almost playing as good as my Yankees😁. I got some prayer warriors in my fam praying for you. -vin dog

  4. Happy Monday Julie & Brian. Just want to say Dave and I are praying for another week of progress. The picture of the two of you on Sunday was wonderful to see. Your smiles are endearing!
