Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Day Twenty-One

Day 21 (5/2/18)

Brian/s day was busy.  During PT, Brian stretched and tried on different neck braces to give him more head support.  

The OT Technology Therapist came by to do an initial assessment of Brian's needs.  She is working on hooking up his cell phone so he can use it.

During regular OT, they were messing with Brian's new wheelchair....again.  LOL  

The day ended in the Vision Clinic.  The doctor wants to explore Lasik surgery for Brian.  In the past, he wasn't a candidate due to his cornea transplant.  However, the doctor is looking into Lasik or other options so Brian can get rid of his glasses. Hoping that will happen!

Thanks for the prayers and support!


  1. Keep going, Brian! You are doing great!

  2. Looking good Brian:) We're all behind you and Julie. Keep up the hard work!
