Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Day Seventy-Five and Seventy-Six

Day 75 and 76 (June 25 & 26)

Brian did well yesterday. Many of his therapies were geared toward me helping Brian.  During PT, we worked on using the lift and sling system to get him from his chair to the mat and then back to the chair.  It will be the same apparatus I use at home.  The goal is to get a smooth transfer with the least amount of people.  

I learned how to secure his chair in a vehicle. Now we will have the freedom to leave campus using public transportation.  There is an Englewood Trolley that takes you to places near Craig, so we may start with that. 

Brian had his final (hopefully) surgery today.  It was a catheter procedure. Although the procedure itself wasn't major, Brian has a hard time with anesthesia.  I'm hoping he rests well tonight and can make it to his classes tomorrow.

The fundraiser is just around the corner!  There are so many friends working their heines off to make this a fun night.  We hope you can come!  I hear there are TONS of cool raffle and silent auction items.  Thank you for the donations.  Brian and I are truly appreciative.

Keep us in your prayers and thank you for all of the uplifting words.  I read your comments on the blog and Facebook to Brian. 


  1. Julie,

    I'm thinking about you and Brian today. I pray all goes well for Brian so he can attend classes. He is doing so good.

    Hopefully you and Brian will be able to leave campus on your own real soon.

    You're in our thoughts and prayers. We love you very much.

  2. Julie, Brad shared this to me this morning. I'm so sorry for what Brian's having to go through. I've been praying for him since I heard. I just finished battling ovarian cancer so we both have had a challenging last few months. How do I find out more about the fundraiser? Brad and I would love to come. Miss you both and will be praying that Brian has a complete recovery.
