Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Day Sixty, Sixty-One, and Sixty-Two

Day 60-62 (June 10-12)

With injuries like Brian's, the brain has a difficult time sending messages through the spinal cord to the systems in the body.  Because of this, Brian elected to have a colostomy yesterday.  It will give Brian peace of mind when he's out, help caregivers with his care, and most importantly...it can be reversed down the road. Thankfully, the surgery went well and he has been resting all day.  The wound care nurses will monitor his surgery site and bloodwork will be drawn to make sure his body is responding appropriately.

I've had a hard few days processing everything that's happened since January.  I'm not sure why the magnitude of our situation is hitting me now, but I hope it passes soon.  It's easy for the unknowns to creep into my thoughts. Please keep praying for our strength to get through this. 


  1. My thoughts and good vibes are with you all. Keep up the strength 💪!!

  2. Continuously praying for all of you. You have been through so much but ALL of you are so strong. You are warriors and you will continue to fight every battle as you have fought each one that has already come into your path. You need to look at all that you conquered since January. You both are amazing testimonies on how to be strong when giving up is the easier thing. You’re such an amazing couple and family. We love you!

  3. You guys have been through so much! You are allowed to have some days of feeling down. This is A LOT for all of you to handle. We are here for you at all times and constantly praying for you!! Love you guys!!

  4. I wanted to share a daily devotion with you:
    "I DECLARE that God has a great plan for my life. He is Directing my steps. And even though I may not always understand how, I know my situation is not a surprise to God. He will work out every detail to my advantage. In His perfect timing, everything will turn out right. This is my declaration."

    Keep your faith, and keep God close to you He will reveal his plan in His time. Lean on him for your strength.

    Always in my prayers, you are both so much stronger than you may even realize.

  5. Praying for insurmountable strength for Brian, you and your family! You and Brian have been through so much and are still fighting your way through this battle! Don’t forget you are always, always, always stronger then you think! Sending lots of love ��

  6. Thinking of you every day and praying for strength.
