Sunday, July 15, 2018

Day Ninety through Ninety Five

Day 90-95 (July 10-15)

We've had a great 6 days with lots of visitors.  Beth, my dear friend since childhood, came for a few days.  She saw Brian in action and was impressed with his spirit!  Our other good friend, Tony, stopped by to see Brian for a few hours on Friday before he headed home to St. Louis.

Friday afternoon, we took an outing to a St. Louis style pizza place with our Occupational Therapist and the Recreation Therapist.  Brian loved getting off campus and he loved the surprise  That afternoon, the girls and the Hays bunch made it safely to Denver from KC. A special thank you to Eric and Tammy for taking care of the girls for a week!  

I stayed at my brother's house Friday night and Eric stayed with Brian. I wish I would've recorded Elsie's (dog) reaction to seeing the girls and I together. She was so excited!  That hasn't happened since April.

Saturday evening, we took our first outing without any Craig staff to my brother and sister-in-law's house.  They knocked down their shed and made a pathway to the backyard.  We had a BBQ, watched the dogs and kids mess around.  It felt good to be "normal." 

Our new discharge date is July 27th.  From there we will head over to the apartments next to the Craig campus for the transition program.  Brian will continue to receive therapies and we will work through any issues we have when transferring, doing everyday activities etc.  We will be in the transition program for 2-3 weeks and then move to outpatient from there.  Unsure if outpatient will take place at Craig or in St. Louis.  That will depend on therapists' recommendations.

Blood pressure continues to keep us on our toes.  Typical for spinal cord patients, but nerve-racking nonetheless. We have mixed emotions about nearing the end of inpatient.  Brian and I are VERY ready to get home with family and friends, but we are nervous too.  I pray that I can take care of Brian...there is so much involved with his daily care.

Have a great week!  As always, thanks for your support and prayers.


  1. I was just speaking about your family at Church yesterday and my main comment was the huge smile on Brian's face in nearly every photo.

    Brian -you are truly an amazingly strong individual. Your positive outlook on your situation gives me hope in my own life, that no matter what is thrown at me, I too, can overcome. Keeping my faith and trust in God. Just like you.

    it is so nice to see your family back together again! it's been a long time coming!

    Julie - you are being prepared not only by the therapy teams, but by GOD also to be the best caregiver you can be, accepting help along the way, and taking care of yourself as well. you will be brilliant, remind yourself of that daily, God will give you everything that you need, emotionally & physically, each day, lean on him!!

  2. "Family means putting your arms around each other and being there" (Barbara Bush). Think the same can be said about friends, faith and love. The pictures speak those words. Love seeing all of you together again!!! What a wonderful sight :)

    Keep up the faith and God will guide you. You may have had the same thoughts and concerns just before the girls were born and they've gown into beautiful individuals. Never forget everyone is here to support you now and always.

    Sending prayers and well wishes for the week ahead.

  3. I love your updates! You are all doing an amazing job! I love seeing you all together as well. I know having Elsie and the girls with you gives you both extra motivation and energy. You continue to be in our prayers. #Heinestrong

  4. I was thrilled to read the post and it brought tears to my eyes to see you all together. There is nothing you can't overcome as a family. A challenge is just an opportunity to work together and family goes far beyond the blood in your veins- there are many people with you in spirit every day. Keep on keeping on-
    All the best and big hugs
