Monday, July 23, 2018

Day Ninety-Six through One Hundred Three

Day 96-103 (July 16-23)

Last week started off a bit rough. Brian's blood pressure kept dipping low to the point he was passing out several times.  After a 48 hour EKG and lots of bloodwork, the doctors discovered his cortisol level was low.  Brian started a steroid at the end of the week to raise the level and hopefully help the blood pressure improve.  So far so good...

Brian's mom and sister, Susan, arrived last week.  It's been awesome having them, the girls, and my mom out here.  Everyone is learning the ropes when it comes to transferring Brian and his daily cares.  I'm amazed at how Kenzie and Maddie have jumped right in without hesitation!  I'm so proud of them. Susan spent the nights with Brian during the visit so I could get a little shut eye outside of the hospital and hang with the girls and Elsie! That was such a blessing, thank you Susan!

Brian had a visit from his co-worker on Sunday afternoon and my mom's friends brought some dinner to us Sunday night.  I know Brian enjoyed talking shop...he loves his job!

Brian is doing well in PT.  His head continues to strengthen.  Today, Brian's therapist noticed his pectoral muscles firing for the first time in the C5-C8 level on the spine. That was exciting. We will take any improvement we get! 

Brian got his personal wheelchair.  I'm sure this doesn't come as a surprise, but it needs some   The chair isn't properly charging his ventilator so that's the first order of business. Everything else is just minor tweaks.

We discharge from inpatient on Friday. Of course, we have mixed emotions. You get so close to your team of therapists, nurses, techs, and doc.  When we go to the outpatient transition program, we will start with a brand new team.  We will be in the transition program for 2-4 weeks living independently in the apartments during that time.  Rumor has it that we will head home on August 24th, but I don't know if that date is confirmed. 

The most exciting part of our week was welcoming our Great-Nephew to the family.  Nathaniel Brian arrived early Sunday morning.  We can't wait to see him!  

Have a great week!  Thank you for your support and continued prayers!


  1. This is indeed wonderful news for the Heine family- a new phase. Continued prayers for you. I smiled when I read the part about the girls jumping in, they have wonderful examples in their parents to show them how to be the best they can be. Hugs to all and keep up the great progress.

  2. Love seeing all the pics of family with you. Praying for you in the next part of your journey. You all are in my thoughts everyday. Keep working hard all the progress is amazing!

  3. So great to hear the news of Brian's pectoral muscles! We're praying the blood pressure stays under control.

    Also enjoyed the pic of Maddie with the sculpture in the palm of her hand. Your girls are so strong in so many ways!

    Congrats on the great-nephew. What a beautiful baby ... such a sweet smile. So much happening with y'all the past week! Thanks as always for sharing the updates and progress. Love reading the posts and seeing the photos!

    Keep pushing Brian. You've come so far and your resilience and determination shows!

  4. oh my goodness look at that little Heine Strong Face your great - nephew has!!

    and great news on Brian's muscles firing up as well! Praying for more miracles like this one!
