Monday, July 9, 2018

Day Eighty-Five through Eighty-Nine

Day 85-89 (July 5-July 9)

Brian hasn't been feeling too great this past week.  His blood pressure has been lower than normal and his lungs are gunky too.  On Saturday, the doctor did another bronchoscopy to clean out the left lower lobe of his lung.  He has a few bugs growing in his sputum culture, but they are holding off on antibiotics for the time being.  Brian also had an infected ingrown toenail which can be problematic since he can't feel the pain.  Luckily, the podiatrist was able to fix the situation.

On a good note, Brian paced for 4 hours on Saturday and 4.5 hours on Sunday.  He could've kept pacing, but needed to eat.  :)

On an even better note, Elsie (our dog) is here!  My sweet brother flew to Kansas City to get her and drove from KC to Colorado yesterday.  It was so good to see Elsie...she's very confused about what is happening, but she lifted our spirits!

The girls are spending the week with our besties in Kansas City.  Eric and Tammy will have the joy of 4 teenage girls in their home for the week.  Good luck!  The whole clan will get here Friday.  We are looking so forward to seeing everyone!

Say a prayer for Brian to bounce back to normal so we have a great week of therapies.  Thanks for all of your support!


  1. I love Elsie's bandana! I want one! Animals have a way of helping you feel whole and give you hope, hold onto that hope. It seems you both have amazing families and friends to keep your spirits up to. I am happy the girls will be back with you soon and I do hope your dear friends survive! My father has survived 3 girls, 2 waves of teenage though as my younger sister is 12.5 years younger than me!

    My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you daily.

    take care!

  2. Heine fam. Keep up the hard work and positive thoughts. The Sheffield team is thinking of you always. Thought you’d want to know we had a laugh at Brian’s expense last night.

  3. Love the pictures of Elsie, especially her selfie in the car ;)

    I hope the week ends well and that Brian is feeling better. I'm sure your girls will brighten both your spirits today. How wonderful it will be to be reunited again :)

    Have a great weekend with your daughters and friends. Thinking about the entire family constantly and praying each day brings new strength to Brian. Keep pushing as the progress has been amazing! Such an inspiration to see!!!
